Sunday, October 11, 2015

Learning Word Families

A Kindergarten Language Art
 UDL Lesson



Subject:  Language Arts

Grade Level: Kindergarten

IEP Classifications:  ESL Learners

Common Core Standards:
With guidance and support from adults, explore word relationships and nuances in word meanings.
Sort common objects into categories (e.g., shapes, foods) to gain a sense of the concepts the categories represent.

Lesson Goals:  Students will know to associate sounds with letters.  Students will know to recognize letters.  Students will know that the symbols are letters.  Students will relate common endings in word families to form new words within that family. 

Lesson Materials:  Smartboard, audio, paper, pencil, teacher generated work sheets

Instructional Lesson Methods and Assessment

Anticipatory Set

1.)  Introduce the lesson by showing  .  This website will be used on the smartboard, , and will feature word families with voice, text, and picture support.
2..)  We will start out with one word family on a worksheet following the video.  We will work this worksheet together as a group.
3.)  Students will break up into small groups and play the word sort game which includes one word family ending with matching and non matching words that need to be matched or discarded based on family they belong with.
4.)  To review at the end of the lesson students will need to use pencil and paper to write three words from the common word family learned.

 SMARTboard Short A Word Families Picture Sorting/Writing S: Families Pictures, Smartboard Stuff, Things Smartboard, Families Smartboard, Smartboard Center, Smartboard Words Families, Smartboard Shorts, Smartboardword Families, Families Interactive

  • Examples of how we will use our activities to fit our lesson: 
    • The smartboard lesson will feature the word family that we will use as a class for the lesson.
    •  We will next work together to review the word family that we will learn that day as a whole group to make sure all is understood. 
    • Small group matching game activity will allow students to discuss and work together to match appropriate endings to word families.  
    • Students will review the learned word family on their own through the use of pencil and paper.  The teacher will use this as the assessment to monitor students learning and progress.  


Recognition “What”
Multiple means of Representation
Strategic “How”
Multiple means of Action and Expression
Affective “Why”
Multiple means of Engagement
3.1 Provide or activate background knowledge.
 I will activate background knowledge by bringing up familiar site words, then adding in the word family groupings while showing them on the Smart Board.
I will be speaking with the students as well as having the prompt on the Smart Board.
4.1 Provide varied ways to respond.
 Students will engage in individual work as well as group discussion.  
Students will be provided with a visual prompt of what is expected to be done as well as verbal instructions when completing the work. 
8.2 Vary levels of challenge and support.
Multiple means of engagement helps all children in their ability to focus on the material and know what is expected of them during the lesson.  
By using a visual prompt as well as verbal ques, students are able to hear and see what is expected of them.
2.1 Define vocabulary and symbols.
 I will provide the students with the word family to be studied at the beginning of the lesson, making sure they understand what the learning expectation is. 
4.3 Integrate assistive technologies.
Students will also be able to share allowed their predictions which will be charted by the teacher for use in later activities.
Students will be guided during various portions of the lesson. 
8.3 Foster collaboration and communication
Students will also actively participate in whole group discussion during the prediction phase of the lesson .
Students will be encouraged to share their learned knowledge with the class if they choose to do so. 

Introduce and Model New Knowledge

  1.  To begin the lesson, I will introduce the website with the word family activity on the smartboard.  This method will provide a whole class approach to introducing the new word family material.  Webiste used on the smartboard 
  2. During the introduction I will pause and allow students to interact with the smartboard and teacher as well. 
  3. After smartboard introduction the individual activity of learning the material through the use of the word family worksheet will be given.  This activity will be monitored by the teacher for help with guidance and understanding.  
  4. Questions will be encouraged with help in completing the activity.  
Student Word Family Worksheet (to be used after smart board introduction)


Recognition “What”
Multiple means of Representation
Strategic “How”
Multiple means of Action and Expression
Affective “Why”
Multiple means of Engagement
7.1 Increase individual choice 
and autonomy.
 I will use visual, audio, and hard copy print during the reading section of "The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County".  This will help all students be able to follow the story and think about what they are hearing and reading.  This way of communicating the text will help ELL students adapt to the reading of the text.
3.4 Support memory and transfer.
I will use a directed reading note taking form in order to supply students with a guide on note taking during the directed reading activity.  
The teacher will also prompt note taking procedures with questions and comments to spark discussion for notes.  
3.2 Highlight critical features, big ideas, and relationships.  
I will be using text, audio, and visual to help all students be immersed into the reading of the text.  I will also be breaking the short story up into three sections allowing students to re-visit ideas and note take with guidance from the teacher.  

5.3 Provide ways to scaffold practice and performance.
I will also be stopping three times during the reading to re-visit material and allow students time to note take on their sheets providing, focusing on small pieces of the story at a time. 
4.3 Integrate assisstive technologies.  
During the story reading students will be provided with text, audio, visual images, along with pencil and paper, which will allow for most learning styles to be incorporated into learning.  ELL students will benefit from the small passages being read and reflected on at a time in order for easier processing of the material.  

6.1 Guide effective goal setting.

The teacher will guide the students during the note taking sessions in order to observe accurate understanding of the text.  

      After the website and the worksheet activity, I will allow time for whole group interactions in which students can ask questions or share their findings during the worksheet.  The students will then transition into their group activity. 

Guided Practice
  • Students will be given the worksheet to work together as a whole group to accomplish.  The worksheets all have the same word family.  The work sheets are used with scissors, and glue.  A pencil will also be used for the students to write their name on their paper.  
  •  As a group we will place our correct cut outs next to the correct pictures as a class.  Students will use these papers at the end of the lesson to help them create their own list of the word family learned.   
  •   Another guided practice tool we will use is the word sort match group game that will be monitored by the teacher as I walk around the room facilitating the game. The game is explained during the anticipatory set.  

Example of group guided practice game: 
  • Students will work together in small groups to sort words into word families. 

Recognition “What”
Multiple means of Representation
Strategic “How”
Multiple means of Action and Expression
Affective “Why”
Multiple means of Engagement
3.2 Highlight critical features,big ideas, and relationships. 
 The students will re-visit previous material they have completed along with new material they have learned. 
9.2 Scaffold coping skills and strategies.
Students will use discussion, activities, and worksheets, in order to join together in a group for discussion.  Students will be guided by the teacher on new word families learned.
3.4 Support memory and transfer.
Working together during guided practice as a group will help students gain new information from hearing other students  new information learned.  Students working together as a group to learn new word families will help students gain understanding through each other.
6.3 Facilitate and manage information and resources.
The students will use discussion, group work, individual work, and assessment in order to engage in new material. 
1.2  Provide alternatives for auditory information.
Students will also use verbal skills to speak for the group as a whole as to new information learned.  Students will also be expected to write down answers and turn in a portion of guided practice as a group effort.

8.3 Foster collaboration and communication.
Students that are able to respond to others ideas and build on new information from that will scaffold information through various sources.   Working as groups also helps ELL students by allowing them to discuss ideas with classmates and learn language through interactions. 

Independent Practice

At the end of the lesson, students will have a blank sheet of paper and a pencil.  Students will use their whole group class worksheet to write three of their own word family words that they come up with on their paper.  The teacher will collect these papers at the end of the lesson in order to assess the students to see what information is retained and what information needs to be re-visited.  

                                      ... Process · Grommet Lined Curtains · Very Funny Images Of Kids

Recognition “What”
Multiple means of Representation
Strategic “How”
Multiple means of Action and Expression
Affective “Why”
Multiple means of Engagement
 5.3 Provide ways to scaffold practice and performance.
Students will alone to create their own word family words.  Students will reflect on their word family words, and the teacher can use this as means to gauge material learned. 

3.4 Support memory and transfer.
7.1 Increase individual choice and autonomy. 
Students will form a short list of their own words to go with their word families they have learned throughout the lesson. 
 3.2 Highlight critical features, ideas, and relationships.
By having the student add their own words is gives them a personal meaning to learning the new word family.   Also this serves as a another form for having students retain the information they have learned.
 Students will be able to re-visit game material, and worksheets during this portion of the UDL.  The teacher will also be monitoring the classroom if assistance is needed. 
4.3 Integrate assisstive technologies.
Students will be able to use any means necessary that was completed in class in order to form their word list.  Students can also ask the teacher for assistance if it is needed.  
6.1  Guide effective goal setting. 
This activity also serves as an individual piece for the teacher to assess in order to see if retention of the information was attained.    This section adapts to ELL students in that the student can seek help from the teacher as well as being able to write what they have gained in their own words.  

Wrap Up
  • I will wrap up the lesson by having students share some of their words that the wrote on their own during the assessment portion of the lesson.  I will not force a student to share what they have written, but will encourage willing students to share the words that they have written down.
  • We will also re-visit the website used above to go back over our word family for the day. 


Recognition “What”
Multiple means of Representation
Strategic “How”
Multiple means of Action and Expression
Affective “Why”
Multiple means of Engagement

3.4 Support memory and transfer
 Students will re-visit their word family words, and if they would like to share what they have come up with then they may do so. 
3.2 Highlight critical features, big ideas, and relationships.
Students will use their previous work to aid them in the discussion, re-visiting ideas that they had previously worked on. 
2.5 Illustrate key concepts non linguistically. 
By having students re-visit their work that was done they are then able to share their own words they have come up with.  They can demonstrate back to the teacher what they have retained.  
8.3 Foster collaboration and communication.
Students will be asked questions by the teacher in whole group for them to answer aloud.  Students will also compare words they came up with, with words that were learned in class. 
8.3  Foster collaboration and communication
Students will also be able to share how their ideas with the teacher and fellow students.  They can compare their words to others in class. 
4.2 Provide varied ways to interact with materials.
By giving the students their own tools they created for the discussion it allows them to take ownership in their work instead of having to search for new information in the text that was read.  This sections adapts to ELL students in that they are reading their own notes and handwriting for the discussion. 

  • For the assessment portion of the lesson, I will have the students use their whole class worksheet to help them create three of their own words that belong in the word family that we have went over.
  • Students will use paper and pencil to write down their own words.  These papers will be turned into the teacher for assessment on retention of lesson learned.  The success of the lesson will be assessed.  The assessment will also allow the teacher to see where each child is on an individual level.


Recognition “What”
Multiple means of Representation
Strategic “How”
Multiple means of Action and Expression
Affective “Why”
Multiple means of Engagement
2.5 Illustrate key concepts non linguistically.
This assessment will help students re-visit all parts of the lesson covered.  This is a short assessment that gives students ways to reflect on new material learned.
7.1  Increase individual choice and autonomy
The student will be given a paper assessment to be completed alone at their desk.  The student will write their three words added to the family on their paper. 
2.5 Illustrate key concepts non linguistically.
This type of assessment allows students to be individuals in their answers.  This type of assessment allows students to re-visit material and it gives a personal connection to the lesson. 

3.4 Support memory and transfer.
This assessment will help students choose what they would like to add to what they have learned.   
7.3  Reduce threats and distractions.
The student will have a time limit of 15 minutes to complete the assessment and will turn it into the teacher when completed. 
6.1  Guide effective goal setting. 
This type of assessment also allows the teacher to gain a representation of students comprehension of the word family lesson.  This type of assessment also adapts to ELL students in that the students are allowed to describe information in their own words.  

UDL Principle
Recognition Networks
recognition network of the brainZoom In
I. Multiple Means of Representation ensures that the Recognition networks of students are supported
Specific UDL Accommodations (1.1 – 3.4)
Key Elements
Please Put a Check Mark Next To the Ones You Incorporated
Where in the project?
(Which Lesson Phase 1-6)
Strategic Networks
strategic network of the brainZoom In
II. Multiple Means of Action and Expression ensures that the Strategic networks of students are supported
 Specific UDL Accommodations (4.1 – 6.4)
Key Elements
Please Put a Check Mark Next To the Ones You Incorporated
Where in the project?
(Which Lesson Phase 1-6)
Affective Networks
affective networks of the brainZoom In
III. Multiple Means of Engagement ensures that the Affective networks of students are supported
     Specific UDL Accommodations (7.1 – 9.3)
Key Elements
Please Put a Check Mark Next To the Ones You Incorporated
Where in the project?
(Which Lesson Phase 1-6)

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